Community Space Fund
This fund has been created to strengthen access to services and/or supports in local community spaces and address the barriers to digital inclusion in those areas. The fund is supported by the Moray Pathways local employability partnership and Communities CLD Team.
The Moray Pathways local employability partnership is funded by Scottish Government and one of the priorities of this local resource is to raise awareness of our offer and strengthen the ability to access our services. We know that to reach people who stand to benefit the most from the support on offer, we need to be creative and focus on place-based initiatives in areas of poverty. We can achieve this by better use of key partners in increasing awareness and uptake, particularly third sector organisations who are already embedded in communities.
This opportunity for community space funding includes a resource from UK Shared Prosperity Fund which aims to invest and support digital infrastructure for local community facilities.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.
The objectives of this fund are to:
Strengthen our social fabric and fostering a sense of local pride and belonging, through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities, such as community infrastructure and local green space, and community-led projects.
To build resilient and safe neighbourhoods, through investment in quality places that people want to live, work, play and learn in, through targeted improvements to the built environment and innovative approaches to crime prevention.
What is the fund for?
To facilitate the delivery of Moray Pathways employability services within your community space and improve digital connectivity and accessibility in the area. Including but not limited to:
A welcoming, safe, inclusive space
Accessible facilities for the use of the local community and Moray Pathways Partners
Digital connectivity and accessibility, including the development of digital skills.
Eligibility Criteria
The fund is intended to benefit the people and communities of Moray.
Eligibility is restricted to organisations working with residents living in any of the 10 SIMD areas (refer to notes section).
For digital funding, applicants will also be considered in rural areas to address barriers to digital inclusion, poverty and connectivity issues
The fund is open to applications by constituted community groups/organisations, appropriately constituted social enterprises and other voluntary and third sector organisations set up on a non-profit distributing basis.
Applications from other categories (including individuals, businesses and other type of organisations) will also be considered if they are deemed by the Moray Pathways Local Employability Partnership and the Communities CLD to benefit the wider community.
Fund amounts
You can apply for up to £16,000. This can be made up of £10,000 for revenue costs in relation to funding Community Spaces and £6,000 for capital expenditure in relation to Digital Infrastructure (Connectivity and Accessibility). Details of how funds can be used for each funding stream are detailed below.
How to apply
Applications should be submitted online here. Applications will need to be supported by governing documents, annual accounts and a recent bank statement.
How and when decisions will be made
Initial eligibility checks will be done by Moray Council Officers who have experience with the relevant funding streams. Projects meeting the criteria will be awarded funding within one week of the closing date for applications.
Evidence of expenditure* will be required to allow funds to be paid. All funds must be evidenced by 15 March 2025 to allow for payments to be made before 31 March 2025. If you are aware that the funds will not be claimed by this date please inform us by 28 February 2025.
Any funds not spent by 31 March 2025 may require to be repaid to Moray Council.
Privacy Notice
With regard to Data Protection, Moray Council’s privacy policy for grant applications can be read here.
SIMD definition - The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation is the Scottish Government's official tool for identifying areas in Scotland with relatively high levels of deprivation. SIMD looks at the extent to which an area is deprived across seven domains: income, employment, education, health, access to services, crime and housing. You must be working with residents within one of the following areas:​​​​
1 Elgin Cathedral to Ashgrove and Pinefield
2 New Elgin East
3 Forres South West and Mannachie
4 Buckie Central East
5 Keith and Fife Keith
6 Elgin Bishopmill East and Ladyhill
7 Lossiemouth West
8 Cullen, Portknockie, Findochty, Drybridge and Berryhillock
9 Fochabers, Aultmore, Clochan and Ordiquish
10 Buckie West and Mains of Buckie
2. Acceptable evidence of expenditure: All expenditure to be evidenced by one of the following, an invoice for purchase of equipment/operating costs, quotes for trades work and payslips for staffing costs.
3. Moray Pathways Partners (Strategic Group Membership)
Barnardo’s Scotland
Community, Learning and Development (Moray Council)
Department for Work and Pensions
DYW Moray
Economic Development (Moray Council)
Education (Moray Council)
Enable Scotland
Integrated Joint Board member (Health and Social Care Partnership)
Skills Development Scotland
Third Sector Interface Moray
In addition to the above, there are a total of 50 local organisations included in the Moray Pathways Network and we engage and collaborate with a wide range of public, third and private local employers.
4. Client Groupings: The Moray Pathways top priority target groups are as follows:
People who are economically inactive
People with disabilities including mental health problems
Young People at risk of not engaging in education, employment or training opportunities (Includes Care Experienced)
Families in Poverty
Outreach Grant Scheme – funding streams
If you will not be able to use the funds allocated you must inform us by 28 February 2025. Evidence of expenditure must be provided no later than 15 March 2025.
Community Space Fund – provided by No-one left behind and Child Poverty Scottish Government Grant
This fund is intended to benefit people and communities identified in 10 SIMD* zones in Moray. Examples of expenditure could include:
Facility costs e.g. operating costs, energy/running costs, furniture/fixing / interior equipment (this excludes rent/lease costs)
Administration costs
Staffing and Volunteer costs
Training and development costs for staff/volunteers
Temporary adaptations to be accessible for all members of the community
PR/Marketing costs
This list is not explicit or exhaustive and should be used as a guide only.
1.2 Outputs
Increase the uptake of employability support within your community space
Improve collaboration between partners in a multi-use community space
Improve usage of space by partners and Moray Pathways service users.
Funding Value: Up to £10,000 Revenue Costs
2. Digital Infrastructure Fund – provided by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
This fund is intended to benefit communities across Moray by providing investment and support for digital infrastructure and local community facilities (this includes rural areas experiencing poverty and connectivity issues).
Funds cannot be used to support work-related IT equipment for staff use.
The following suggestions are the types of improvements that we would expect the fund to support:
Broadband installation/upgrade to improve connectivity facilities for community use (where access to R100 contract installations or existing broadband voucher schemes will not be available).
Digital systems hardware and/or software (excluding any ongoing costs post funding)
Interactive white screen, monitors, smart tv’s, printers
Networking hardware including servers, hubs, routers, switches
New/improved networking or trunking
New/additional Wi-Fi connections or access points
Website development (excluding ongoing costs post funding)
This list is not explicit or exhaustive and should be used as a guide only.
2.1 Outputs
Increase the number of facilities created and/or supported to improve digital connectivity and accessibility in local communities,
To embed digital support in communities helping to reduce barriers, build skills and confidence within the local population.
Funding Value: Up to £6,000 Capital Costs
FREE Digital Unite* training
* Digital Unite Training (Moray Digital Buddies)
Moray Pathways have teamed up with Digital Unite to offer the opportunity for Community Organisations to build up their own staff and/or volunteers as Digital Buddies.
Successful applicants will have the option to sign up for this programme.
Programme includes:
Bite-sized online learning (revisit at any time)
Certificates on completion
Access to UK Digital Champion Network
The training is tailored to meet local needs. Digital buddies don’t need to be experts in digital technology or high technical skills. It’s about being supportive, encouraging and patient to help reach digitally excluded people in your community.
This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.